Hyssop essential oil
Botanical name: Hyssopus officinale
Plant part: Leaves and Flowers
Extraction method: Stream distillation
Colour: Pale yellow, green
Composition: Pinocamphon, Isopinocamphon, b-pinen, Cineol, Linalol, Terpineol, Pinocampheol and others
Description: …..Hyssop as a crop occupies second place in our farm by area. From it we extract essential oil from the flowers, which after their mowing are immediately distilled in our small distilled. The oil is extracted by steam distillation at high speed for about an hour. We only grow a blue form that is rich in Pinocamphon, Isopinocamphon, b-pinen, Cineol, Linalol, Terpineol, Pinocampheol and others. Only one harvest per year can be produced from the yoghurt, which prevents the production of oils with different chemical composition.